# Alternative installation method

Installing the tracker with a script from the console

# Server-provider choice and registration

  1. Register with the selected provider. Server selection table by click volume (recommended, but not mandatory providers):

(app) This mark means that a server pre-installed with Keitaro is available from the vendor. A pre-installed server still requires an active license.


# Mandatory server requirements

  1. Purchase a server that meets the mandatory requirements:
Traffic Volume, clicks per day Type RAM CPU
less < 100 000 VPS 4 GB 2 CPU
100 000 - 500 000 VPS 8 GB 4 CPU
500 000 - 1 000 000 VPS/VDS 16 GB 4 CPU
1 000 000 - 5 000 000 VDS 32 GB 4 CPU
5 000 000 - 10 000 000 VDS 64 GB 8 CPU

# Mandatory characteristics

  • Clear server without control panel;
  • CentOS 9 Stream;
  • KVM virtualization;
  • Disk size 20 GB SSD or more;
  • 4GM RAM minimum.


Installation is possible on a server with 2 GB RAM 1 CPU, but performance issues may occur.

  1. Log in to the server using the terminal. Any of the following methods will work.
  • (For all) Many cloud providers provide a web terminal for the server. Open it if available.
  • (Windows) Download and run Putty.
  • (macOS) Press ⌘ + SPACE, type Terminal, then ENTER (video).
  • (Linux) Open the built-in terminal.
Terminal on macOS (video)


If you don't know how to log in or work with the terminal, use auto-installation.

  1. Run the installation script
curl keitaro.io/kctl.sh | bash -s -- install
  1. Wait for the installation to complete. Copy the control panel address and open it in your browser.

# Installation FAQ

How can I view the installation log?

Page by page:

less /var/log/keitaro/install.log

Installation result:

tail -n 1000 /var/log/keitaro/install.log

# Buying a server and installing tracker with script in console (example)

Step by step video with comments (Use EN subtitles please)