# Keitaro Academy
Keitaro is a tool for affiliate and performance marketing. It helps to increase the efficiency and profitability of online advertising campaigns. It is used in:
- Digital marketing
- Any other types of digital marketing
This section contains video-lessons with our free course on how to work with the tracker. With the help of the lessons, it is possible to master a tool, which makes the process of work with digital advertizing more convenient and more profitable. The section is constantly updated. Each video description has timecodes answering all the questions from the content.
# How to get started with Keitaro, automatic installation
The first step to getting started with the tracker is registering at keitaro.io website.
Video Content:
- 00:35 How to register at keitaro.io
- 01:31 Personal account and free license
- 01:54 How to change language in personal cabinet
- 02:06 Simple installation option. Alternative: text step-by-step option with screenshots.
# All about servers for Keitaro: step-by-step server choice and purchasing, manual installation of Keitaro tracker
From A to Z about server choosing. Step-by-step server purchasing, and tracker installation by script. Given answers to common questions.
Video content:
- 00:41 Server for Keitaro is
- 00:52 Why do you need a server for Keitaro?
- 01:16 Mandatory server requirements
- 01:36 Server geo. How to choose a geo
- 03:18 Clicks volume per day
- 03:56 Virtualization, control panels, additional software
- 04:29 Where to get access for connecting to the server?
- 04:51 Step-by-step instruction on buying a server
- 11:22 Installing the tracker. How to log in to the console
- 12:52 Running the setup script
- 13:39 Tracker installed. Going into Dashboard
- 15:14 How to install the tracker in a few clicks
# Domains in Keitaro. Purchasing, adding to a tracker, parking to a campaign, receiving SSL
Here we show further processes after tracker installation.
Video Content:
- 00:00 - Why do you need a domain in Keitaro
- 01:30 - The main requirements for a domain in a tracker and where to buy a domain
- 02:04 - Step-by-step domain purchase using Namecheap as an example
- 02:54 - Do not purchase SSL from domain provider
- 03:30 - Parking a domain. Specifying correct records at the registrar
- 05:08 - How to add a domain in Keitaro. Domains section in a tracker
- 05:30 - Error when adding, how to fix. Where to check the actual status of NS records.
- 06:33 - How to issue an SSL certificate for HTTPS
- 07:16 - How to log in to the tracker via HTTPS
- 08:09 - How to create a campaign and park a domain
# Transition from a landing page type Local to an offer
Showing a basic campaign creation with a landing page and offer. Type of landing Local, any offer. Setting up the transition from the landing to an offer within the flow.
Video Content:
- 00:00 - Two types of campaigns in Keitaro
- 01:07 - Creating a campaign and a stream
- 01:34 - Loading landing page type Local
- 02:15 - Keitaro's Landings and Offers
- 02:48 - Creating an offer for a flow
- 03:24 - Setting up a transition from a landing page to an offer
- 05:26 - Testing the transition
# Transition from the landing page type Redirect to the offer
Showing a basic campaign creation with landing page type Redirect and offer. Setting up the transition from the landing to the offer within the flow.
Video Content:
- 00:17 - Landing page type Redirect
- 00:59 - How to log in to the host via FTP or SFTP and upload the site
- 04:03 - Creating a landing page type Redirect in a tracker
- 04:21 - Which redirect type to choose
- 05:31 - Creating a Campaign with a landing page type Redirect and an Offer
- 06:10 - Setting up a redirect from a landing page to an offer
# Algorithm of Ads platform-Keitaro-Affiliate network scheme gathering to get statistics and conversions to the tracker
We show the algorithm and logic of the interaction of different services in the scheme of work with Keitaro. Scheme with the advertising platform, affiliate network offers, and Keitaro tracker. In what order and how to assemble all elements?
Video Content:
- 1:28 Getting an affiliate network landing page and offer
- 5:34 Creating a campaign in Keitaro
- 7:00 Receiving conversion to the tracker
- 9:53 Setting up the campaign at the traffic source
# Allocation of traffic in the tracker. Why the click passed to a specific flow or not
Talking about how and why streams and filters worked in the campaign. Why do you see a white page or not seeing the necessary offer? The first part is about configuring flows and filters without a split test and binding to flows, links, and offers.
# URL Parameters in Keitaro (placeholders) 1: receiving, writing, and filtering reports by the placeholder values. FAQ
Explaining all about URL parameters: what they are, why they're needed, and how they work in Keitaro.
Video Content:
- 00:00 - Introduction.
- 01:01 - Campaign URL parameters (placeholders), what are they?
- 02:18 - Using Facebook as an example: how to receive placeholders from an advertising platform to the tracker (dynamically)?
- 05:16 - Using Facebook as an example: how to look at what was sent from an advertising platform and what the tracker recorded
- 07:18 - On the example of the buyer name placeholder: how to record placeholder value with click and conversion (statically)
- 08:44 - On the example of the buyer name placeholder: how to filter reports by placeholder value
- 09:32 - How to name the URL parameters correctly and specify them in the ads link, so that the tracker would record the data correctly
- 10:54 - How to receive placeholders in Keitaro from your site (using KClient PHP integration as an example)
# URL Parameters in Keitaro 2: Filtering traffic by placeholder values. Passing these values to the offer
The second video is about Keitaro URL Parameters. We show you how to work with the tags, which were already recorded in the tracker
Video Content:
- 00:00 - How to filter traffic by incoming placeholders values
- 04:36 - How to see what is written in the placeholder value
- 05:14 - How to pass tags in the URL of an offer (scheme in the flow — Offer Redirect)
- 10:44 - Redirect Path extension which shows placeholders' full path
- 12:34 - How do placeholders write or rewrite in Keitaro reports
- 13:41 - How to output the data from the placeholder to the browser (to the page content). Local landing page or offer in flow
- 17:42 - How to pass placeholders to a browser (to the page content). Scheme landing -> offer
- 20:29 - How to pass placeholders to URL. Scheme landing -> offerer
# Working with S2S postback
We show how to work with sending data on conversions to the third-party systems from Keitaro, creating a Source template, and sending and testing S2S Postback, traffic flow diagram, and elements of the traffic funnel when working with Keitaro.
Video Content:
- 00:00 What is the S2S Postback?
- 01:05 Scheme of data movement, receiving and sending. Elements of the traffic funnel when working with S2S Postback in Keitaro.
- 04:46 Setting up and testing S2S when the Source (ads platform) template is already in the tracker
- 06:14 Sending incoming postback to Keitaro manually. (Useful for tests)
- 08:03 Checking the already sent data via S2S postback
- 11:46 Algorithm: what to do for sending a conversion to a source that already has a template in Sources tab
- 12:16 How to send S2S to a source that is not in the Keitaro templates
- 13:16 Creating a Source template by filling in the Template Parameters
- 17:39 Creating a Source template. Filling S2S postback's link with parameters
- 21:41 About S2S in Facebook
# Getting conversion, postback to the tracker. Fixing issues. (Offer — redirect)
We will talk about how to set up postbacks and get a conversion in Keitaro. We start with the most common configuration scheme: a redirect offer in the Keitaro stream, to which the affiliate network sends postbacks.
Video content:
- 00:00 - Entry.
- 00:19 - What is Postback? Types and settings.
- 01:25 - Setting up a campaign with a redirect offer to get a conversion from an affiliate network from templates. The example is Everad
- 02:37 - What is an affiliate network template, what is it for, how to use it
- 04:06 - Adding a postback link in the affiliate network account
- 05:05 - We summarize the correct tuning algorithm
- 05:48 - Testing of getting a conversion from a campaign link
- 06:54 - How to find and fix when the conversion / postback does not come to Keitaro
- 08:59 - How to check that the subid from Keitaro leaves correctly if it is not visible in the URL. Redirect Path tool
- 14:21 - How to split the postback link from the template for each status / event in the affiliate program
# Creating an affiliate network postback template that is not in the list of Keitaro's templates
Video content:
- 00:00 What are the Parameters for an offer in a template. How to set up
- 02:44 Postback URL field. How to create a link and add parameters
- 04:07 About conversion statuses. What are they and how to set up receiving custom statuses
- 07:13 What is written in the postback template
- 09:52 How to get custom value sent by affiliate program
- 14:49 What is written in the Postback Log
- 15:50 How to transfer tags to the Affiliate Network using a template