# Cloudflare

expert team enterprise

The convenient integration of Keitaro with DNS management service Cloudflare for storing and operating all tracker domains on the Cloudflare side. It allows you to unlock the full potential of the Cloudflare platform, without limiting yourself only to domain proxying.

# What it can and how is it useful

  • Automatically reparks domains for your new tracker, after transferring a tracker from the current server to the new one. The integration automatically changes A-records of domains, if Cloudflare Proxy is turned on. The tracker itself will show the new IP-address of the server to the Cloudflare service. Cloudflare will replace the records with the current ones.

  • With the active integration, the tracker can create and automatically add Cloudflare domain's subdomains to the Domains section in Keitaro. In this way, you can also add a lot of subdomains at once. Open the Domains, click Create, enter the name of the subdomain(s) and save it. The subdomains will be created in Cloudflare and added to Keitaro.

  • You no longer need to rebind domains (subdomains) when you change Keitaro server IP. If Keitaro server IP has been changed, the tracker will send data to the Cloudflare, and the domain will be bound to the new IP automatically.

  • You no longer need to search for unnecessary records and write to registrars' support. The integration searches for unnecessary A and AAAA records of already created domains and deletes them. Keitaro will leave only the ones you are working with.

  • Fast transfer of domains between trackers. For transferring a domain from one tracker to another, you need to delete it from one tracker and create it in another. The integration will register all the necessary records automatically and connect the domain to the new tracker. Required: transfer the main domain first (Use Cloudflare Proxy),then transfer the subdomains.

# How to set up

  1. Go to Maintenance — Integrations — Cloudflare — Create account

  2. Fill in the integration creating form data

Username — your Cloudflare account e—mail

API token — Go to My Profile — API tokens — Create Token in Cloudflare

Create token

Edit Zone DNS — Use template

In section Permissions, press Add more for adding the field Zone - Zone - Edit

In section Zones, choose Zone Resources — Include — All zones

Scroll down the page, press Continue to summary — Create token

Paste the received token to API token field in Keitaro, save it. The integration will be correctly created.